Geologic & Hydrogeologic Services
Geologic Investigation Services Las Vegas
The staff of OGI Environmental (OGI), which includes one professional geologist, has been conducting soil, geological and hydrogeological investigations for over 30 years.Specializing in unconsolidated deposits, OGI personnel have conducted numerous subsurface soil and hydrogeological investigations at sites throughout the United States. In addition, OGI personnel have experience with karst topography, fractured bedrock, and other hard and soft rock geology. OGI personnel are experienced with accepted drilling methods, including auger, air and mud rotary, sonic and hammer.
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Hydrogeology Services Las Vegas
An understanding of the hydrogeology of a site and characteristics of a groundwater aquifer, such as hydraulic gradient, transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity is important in evaluating contaminant migration, developing remedial alternatives and providing dewatering consultation. OGI personnel have extensive experience with groundwater, primarily dealing with shallow aquifers formed within alluvial, fluvial and lacustrine deposits, but also working with fractured bedrock. Our geologist has conducted numerous aquifer tests, including slug tests and aquifer draw-down tests. We also have experience with groundwater modeling, well design and installation and extensive experience conducting groundwater monitoring and sampling.

Geologic & Hydrogeologic Services Include
- Geologic studies
- Developing well head protection programs
- Aquifer testing
- Slug testing
- Well design
- Groundwater modeling